Registrar Stats

Top Domain Registrars in UNITEDSTATES

Here are the top domain registrars based in UNITEDSTATES measured by the volume of domain names registered through their platform.

Domain data current as of: March 2024
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Registrar Country Total % Gain/Loss
ZoomRegistrar 1,410 2.32%
ZoneofDomains 1,224 -2.70%
Zone Casting 56 -3.45%
ZincDomainNames 403 -1.95%
ZigZagNames 4,516 0.38%
ZeroFox 0 0%
Your Domain King 87 -3.33%
YourDomainCasa 1,437 -3.17%
YourDomain 599 -2.28%
YouDamain 1,884 -1.77%
Yellow Start 78 -1.27%
WorthyDomains 1,408 1.51%
WinNames 1,825 -0.44%
William the Conqueror 0 0%
WillametteNames 495 -20.67%
Wildzebradomains 1,802 -1.91%
Wild West Domains 2,369,586 -0.35%
WildBunchDomains 4,542 0.29%
WideRightDomains 408 -0.49%
WideLeftDomains 411 1.23%
WhiteRhinoDomains 503 -35.10%
Whiteglove Domains 1,906 -1.14%
WhiteAlligatorDomains 466 -36.16%
WhatIsYourDomain 1,112 2.96%
Web Tech Names 0 0%
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