Registrar Stats

Top Domain Registrars in UNITEDSTATES

Here are the top domain registrars based in UNITEDSTATES measured by the volume of domain names registered through their platform.

Domain data current as of: March 2024
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Registrar Country Total % Gain/Loss
000domains 0 0%
007Names 8,654 -0.28%
101DOMAIN 95,151 -0.06%
123domainrenewals 101 -2.88%
1800-website 98 0.00%
1-877 4,543 -1.41%
! #1 Host Australia 1,179 -1.91%
! #1 Host Canada 1,772 -0.11%
! #1 Host China 456 -1.72%
! #1 Host Germany 512 1.19%
! #1 Host Japan 11,206 -2.19%
! #1 Host Korea 433 -0.23%
1 More Name 675 -2.03%
1st-for-domain-names 113 1.80%
24x7domains 106 -1.85%
995discountdomains 100 2.04%
Abbey Road Domains 411 0.49%
AccentDomains 1,193 2.58%
Aconcagua Domains 1,800 -2.33%
AcquiredNames LLC 1,035 0.39%
Active Market Domains 1,785 -1.16%
Address Creation 1,121 -0.62%
Addressontheweb 113 0.00% 2,547 -0.62%
Adriatic Domains 2,170 7.80%
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