Top Registrars
Registrar Country Total % Gain/Loss
GoDaddy 61,271,177 -0.26%
NameCheap 13,935,621 1.03%
Tucows 9,321,761 0.48%
GoogleInc 7,298,661 -1.44%
Network Solutions 4,910,423 -0.41%
1 & 1 INTERNET 4,606,790 0.43%
NameBright 4,390,980 -2.45%
BeijingLanhaiJiyeTechnology 4,299,829 -0.85%
GMO Internet 3,793,504 1.09%
Dynadot 3,569,274 1.26%
Daily DNS Changes
TLD New Deleted Transferred Current Total
.net 19,691 18,397 22,983 12,411,687
.org 24,982 15,000 22,640 11,102,415
.xyz 26,402 14,833 25,700 3,792,361
.info 15,277 7,333 10,132 3,738,338
.shop 20,322 31,932 14,253 3,447,481
.top 43,878 16,693 8,830 3,061,113
.online 22,967 74,226 12,392 2,980,397
.pl 2,335 2,547 489 2,587,898
.store 15,940 8,601 5,633 1,698,001
Total 191,794 189,562 123,052 44,819,691
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