Top Registrars
Registrar | Country | Total | % Gain/Loss |
GoDaddy | 62,265,080 | -0.35% | |
NameCheap | 13,448,074 | 0.90% | |
Tucows | 9,264,332 | -0.14% | |
GoogleInc | 7,845,096 | -1.88% | |
Network Solutions | 4,939,620 | 0.31% | |
NameBright | 4,786,660 | -1.40% | |
1 & 1 INTERNET | 4,574,598 | 0.10% | |
BeijingLanhaiJiyeTechnology | 4,415,449 | 0.46% | |
GMO Internet | 3,717,371 | -0.75% | |
PublicDomainRegistry | 3,529,016 | 2.01% |
Daily DNS Changes
TLD | New | Deleted | Transferred | Current Total |
.com | 112,403 | 120,935 | 141,476 | 154,659,360 |
.net | 7,023 | 8,054 | 8,735 | 12,624,170 |
.org | 7,217 | 6,056 | 6,442 | 10,943,404 |
.xyz | 5,138 | 5,442 | 18,017 | 3,631,574 |
.info | 2,877 | 2,802 | 2,397 | 3,535,463 |
.shop | 6,769 | 4,384 | 6,036 | 3,180,046 |
.online | 6,798 | 5,230 | 4,600 | 3,122,239 |
.top | 7,453 | 5,264 | 4,539 | 2,810,696 |
.pl | 2,041 | 2,581 | 327 | 2,582,617 |
Total | 157,719 | 160,748 | 192,569 | 197,089,569 |
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